Disconnected: Life in a Digital Reality
We are creating a first-person narrative on the impact of social media on Gen-Z, showcasing through a story what a screen-based childhood has done to our generation.
At A Glance
Concept Type: Documentary
Team: Ben Forman, Sophia Collins, Kei Obata, Benjamin Albuisson, Valentin Melo, Claire Lim
School: University of Colorado Boulder, Columbia University
What is Disconnected: Life in a Digital Reality?
We will be filming and editing a documentary showcasing two contrasting storylines, one of a social media binge and the other a detox, in Boulder, Colorado. We hope to share our film and the bigger story with teenagers, parents, and teachers across the nation.
We believe thus far the issue of social media has been seen through a qualitative lens, with copious graphs, data, and research backing the harms of these applications. However, there doesn’t exist a vibrant story coming from our generation, harnessing the emotional power of a digital reality to inspire change.
We will present our solution with two objectives in mind: one, to provide an opportunity for the youth to watch, experience, and connect with the tangible impact of living in a digital age, and two, to promote emotional well-being and mindfulness techniques to help ground our anxious generation.
Meet Disconnected: Life in a Digital Reality
Benjamin Albuisson
(Ben-Juh-Min Alb-U-Son)
University of Colorado Boulder • @benjaminalbuisson
Sophia Collins
(So-FEE-ah KAH-lins)
University of Colorado Boulder • @scollins1319
Ben Forman
(ben Four-men)
University of Colorado Boulder
Kei Obata
(Kay Oh-bata)
Columbia University • @keiobata44
Valentin Melo
(Val-en-teen Mel-o)
Columbia University • @valentinmellow